“The Dichotomy of Wealth”

A Pilot’s Guide to Maximizing Wealth & Cashflow in Retirement

Get Your “Full Thrust 401k” Plan Today


“The Dichotomy of Wealth”

A Pilot’s Guide to Maximizing Wealth & Cashflow in Retirement

“Light the Afterburners On Your 401K”

Pilot’s At These Airlines Have Gotten Their 401ks on Full Thrust

See What a Financial Co-Pilot Can Do For You and Your Money

Order Your No Cost “Financial Flight Control Toolkit” Today!

Military Pilots Flying for Delta

Want to improve your 401k and take more control of your financial future? Let us show you how you can build more discipline in your investments and build your ideal retirement using our “Full Thrust 401k” Program

The Pilot’s Planner

Why work with Scott Osborn, The Pilot’s Planner?  As a 20 year military veteran and legendary financial planner, Scott knows the “duffel bag” drag all too well and the toll that life on the road can take.  He understands the pressure to perform and more importantly, the need to have a trusted partner in managing your financial future.

Airline Pilots

Today’s pilots have more options than ever to build their wealth in very tax efficient ways.  Are you taking advantage of all these programs or are you leaving money on the table?  Let teach you how to navigate the complexities of your plans to start getting results immediately.

What makes
“The Pilot’s Planner”

We know the airline industry and military benefits and programs so well that we don’t waste your time with endless meetings trying to sell you a bunch of stuff you don’t need like most advisors.

We know what you want.  

  • Confidence in your investments
  • More tax efficiency
  • A comprehensive and easy to implement plan
  • A trusted advisor to delegate to
  • Getting stuff DONE instead of talking about getting it done

We help you get this done and done FAST.  We are also 100% remote and able to serve you no matter where you are.

The Pilot’s Planner uses a balance of state of the art technology in harmony with 60 years of Nobel Prize Winning Research to bring a balance of investment and planning styles.

These are rooted in 5 major principles:

  • Tactical Management
  • Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Modern Portfolio Theory
  • The Three Factor Method
  • Direct Indexing

These concepts and strategies allow a harmonious blend of taking active steps to manage portfolio risk, leveraging the volatility of the market to generate significant tax efficiency, and simple, tried and true portfolio design for the long term, plan driven, goal focused investor. This approach helps our pilots to achieve confidence they are seeking great outcomes for total return and not chasing performance or falling into bad habits or pour investor behavior.

Learn more and your Financial Flight Control Toolkit Today!