

Welcome to The Wealthy Pilot’s Podcast: Financial Flight Controls for Today’s Commercial Airline Pilots, where we navigate the skies of financial success with your host, Scott Osborn, The Pilot’s Planner.


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Understanding Interest Rates and Stock Investments

August 22, 2024|

This week on the Wealthy Pilot’s Podcast, we’re focusing on interest rates and their impact on the stock and bond market. With recent fluctuations in the market and potential rate changes on the horizon, it's crucial to understand how these factors can affect your financial strategy, especially for those nearing retirement.

Election Cycles & Your Investments: What Pilots Need to Know

August 15, 2024|

Election years can stir up uncertainty, especially in the financial markets. But how should pilots, with their unique financial situations, navigate this turbulence? Stay tuned as Scott and Marc dive into the effects of election cycles on investing, finance, and retirement planning.

Traditional vs. Roth IRA: What You Need To Know!

August 1, 2024|

Many people default to Traditional IRAs or 401(k) plans simply because it's the path of least resistance. Employers often enroll new hires in these plans automatically, and many financial advisors and CPAs recommend them for immediate tax benefits. But is this always the best strategy for your long-term financial picture?

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